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Author: Oriana

Lies of faulty thinking

There a common mistakes that our mind makes that tricks us into a downward spiral of out-of-context reactions. Often times, how we perceive an interaction can a result in faulty thinking and over thinking.  This creates a chain reaction of: Distorted thoughts –> physical body sensations –> intense emotions –> out-of-context response. This can often explain of the extreme mood swings in personality disorders, anxiety disorders seen in emotionally sensitive individuals. The chain reaction can happen in a matter of seconds and can be baffling to those in the line of fire. For those who have faulty thinking tendencies...

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What is your defence mechanism telling you?

Understanding behaviour can be a difficult and confusing thing. Part of the most frustrating thing about Personality Disorders is the immature defence mechanism of “projection”. Think of a projector screen or a mirror. Often times the things we feel within ourselves and the things we do not like about ourselves get projected onto others, resulting in behaviours like: •Blaming. •Shaming. •Accusations. •Not taking accountability. •”Poor me” syndrome. This literally is unconscious for most people, meaning, the person speaking is completely unaware that what they’re saying is actually about themselves. This defence mechanism prohibits self-awareness and prevents any change in...

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A Poem of a Borderline’s Confession

I see you, but you don’t really see me. I show you who I want you to see, who I think you want me to be. My very existence depends on your acceptance I fear the death that is, rejection. My life, is not my own. I serve others, for love. Myself, I disown. My insides are boiling, trying to escape I pace back and forth, I rock and shake. Get me out of myself Again, I flee. Self destruction consuming me. Letting it all go, An illusion of freedom. A slave to my emotions and inner demons. Ill sabotage the good, and push you away Ill test the limits...

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Mental Health Myth Buster

The saying “No bad days” has become a popular phrase. I understand the concept of promoting a constant positive attitude, although it is not realistic to never have a bad day, nor is it healthy. It would be especially harmful for someone with mental illness – we will have setbacks, we will have panic attacks, we will have another crisis.  This is a part of our growing, healing and moving forward. Not allowing yourself to have a bad day could be viewed as neglect of self care.  Sometimes you need that day to veg-out and do absolutely nothing.  To...

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Mental Illness…A dirty Little secret

Have you ever thought, “something is wrong with me” or “I just want to be normal”? Have you ever felt that your life is not your life at all, but rather that you were a slave to the intense emotions that take you captive abruptly and drive you to the ends of the earth like a devastating natural disaster? Your emotions are trying to tell you something.  They know something that we might not. Can you remember what age you were when you “didn’t feel quite right”? For me, I was about 11 years old.  Things were so bad...

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