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Author: Oriana

Do You Have a Mental Health Emergency kit ? . .

Being prepared for a crisis/natural disaster, is a pro-active step in safeguarding the welfare of ourselves and our family.  It is vital to have some sort of plan and tools in place, so that, you are able to survive such an event. Perhaps you have purchased a 72-hour emergency kit with first aid supplies.  When you are in the warning stages of a natural disaster, you may also need to take drastic measures to preserve your life – i.e., evacuation of your home/city. But, what about another type of crisis, a mental health crisis? . . . Have you been...

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Fear . . . My master

This written piece is a special excerpt from my upcoming up book, Lies in Disguise, How I found my truth and recovered for from Borderline Personality Disorder.   Nearly every choice I made, I made out of fear.  Fear guided my steps like a compass pointing me in many directions, yet, I still ended up lost in despair.   “I’m a coward because I can’t say what I want, and I betray myself” I think to myself… Fear of rejection prevented me from enjoying life even in the smallest of tasks.  I was so afraid I often remained silent,...

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Give Yourself the Gift of Inner Peace

Christmas is just around the corner, but for some, this holiday season can be far from jolly.   I remember as a child, Christmas was a very stressful time for me, which was masked by an illusion of family happiness and giving. The reality was adults overdrinking/drugging, verbal or physical fights and feelings of disappointment . . .     There was all the hype of what Christmas was supposed to be, followed by a feeling of let-down when it didn’t measure up.   During this season, I am flooded with unpleasant memories.  A particularly traumatic one is being informed on...

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What Being “Recovered” From BPD Really looks like . . .

I wanted to clear up what being recovered from BPD is . . . and what it is not.  The word ‘recovered’ is deceiving . . . Like you are ‘cured’ from an illness.   Recovered in this sense, does not mean you have no more symptoms, or that, your sufferings are now a thing of the past.  Rather, it means that you have progressed to the point where you can handle them.   Having my Psychiatrist say to me “I think you no longer qualify for the disorder” was surreal.  What she meant by it, was that, my personality...

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Does Your Anxiety Prevent You From Problem Solving?

I have come across many individuals (including myself at times) whom responded to situations in such a way that they appeared to be overreacting in comparison to the problem at hand.  To an outsider looking in, the solution may seem obvious, but, to the person affected by their anxious thoughts – impossible.   Once the lower part of the brain – the survival brain – Is triggered, all rational thinking ability literally shuts down . . .  But, what if you are living in that part of the brain – chronically in a state of fight, flight, freeze, fear...

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